
Onboardist UI is a collection of simple, single-focus components designed to be used for onboarding new users into your applications.

What is Onboarding?

Onboarding, or more properly "User Onboarding", is defined by onboarding advocate Sam Hulick as:

"...the process of increasing the likelihood that new users become successful when adopting your product."

In practice, User Onboarding is the process of explaining to users how to use your application. This can be achieved many different ways: through written technical manuals and articles, how-to videos, UI enhancements built on top your app, and so on.

Onboardist UI helps you do the latter by providing pre-built user interface components that you use to highlight and explain parts of your application, progressively revealing how it works over time.


Onboardist UI works off of few main concepts:

  1. Simplicity. The components are pretty basic. They're not meant to do infinity+1 things with every configuration under the sun. This means they're easy to use and understand.
  2. Composability. The components are all built to work together so your user's onboarding experience can have great flow with minimal obstruction. The worst thing is when your onboarding gets in the way of your user's ability to do actually, erm, do stuff.
  3. JSON-compatible. You can create full, interactive tours with Onboardist using only data that can be transferred as JSON objects. Integrating Onboardist into your application should require no more than pasting a tiny code snippet.