Event Handling

Events let components react to user input and also integrate with your application. Components can subscribe to two different kinds of events:

  • DOM events: (click, mouseover, etc.)
  • Onboardist events: pub/sub-style messaging.

DOM Events

All events are subscribed to using the events property when you define your component arguments.

new Hotspot({
  attach: '#foo',
  events: {
    click: 'modal01', // instantiate component `modal01` on click
    hover: 'tooltip5', // instatiate component `tooltip5` when hotspot
                       // is moused over; `tooltip5` will be removed when
                       // the user mouses out.

Onboardist Events

Onboardist UI has its own simple pub/sub message bus. This is used by components to communicate with each other, and by you to communicate with Onboardist.

Say you want to show a user how to remove an item from their cart when they first add one. You've made a tour named cart-remove-item

Onboardist events also use the events property. You can use Onboardist.UI.fire('eventname') to trigger events across Onboardist.

new Hotspot({
  attach: '#foo',
  events: {
    'show-hotspot': 'show',


The Events Argument


  • Type: object
  • Default: {}

An object that looks like this:

{ event: [fn()|'close'|'next'|componentName|tourName<.scenarioName>] }

The event key is a DOM event that the event will listen for. This can be click, mouseover, contextmenu, etc. The value can be an array of any of these:

  • fn(): A handler function
  • 'close': Remove the compnent on event
  • 'next': Move to next scenario in current tour
  • 'show': Show this component
  • componentName: Activate component registered with name componentName
  • tourName<.scenarioName>: Activate scenario scenarioName in tour tourName. If no scenario name is supplied the tour will start at the beginning.
new Onboardist.UI.Hotspot({
  attach: '#foo',
  events: {
    click: () => { console.log('foo') }


If a handler function is given it will be called when the event named event is triggered.


If the string 'close' is given, the element will be removed.

new Onboardist.UI.Hotspot({
  events: { click: 'close' },


If the string 'next' is given, the current tour will move to the next scenario.

new Onboardist.UI.Hotspot({
  events: { click: 'next' },


  • Format: 'tourName.scenarioName

Examples: 'userpage.usertable', 'cart.additem', 'welcome.logging-out'

If a string is given that matches a registered scenario, that scenario will be started (ending any currently-shown scenario);


If a string is given that matches a registered component, that component will be instantiated and shown.